Inzerát již není v nabídce
- Pronájem bytuNovovysočanská, Praha - Vysočany
- 2+kk
- 56 m²
20 000 Kč + 3 000 Kč21 000 Kč
Ušetříte 1 000 Kč
Pronájem bytu 2+1 • 45 m² bez realitkyMečislavova, Praha - Nusle
Mečislavova, Praha - NusleČástečně vybaveno • VýtahNabízím k pronájmu krásný byt 2+1 v cihlové budově s velmi dobrým stavem. Byt se nachází na 3. patře z celkových 6ti a má celkovou plochu 45 m2. Částečně vybavený byt nabízí možnost parkování a výtah pro pohodlný přístup.
NOTE: The monthly rent is CZK 19,500 + house expenses 600 czk per person + utilities (water, heating, and electricity according to consumption), downpayment for water and heating 2.000 per month + electricity at the name of the tennant.
Pokud máte zájem o prohlídku této nemovitosti, neváhejte mě kontaktovat skrz zprávy. Těším se na vaše zájem!
I offer for rent a beautiful 2+1 apartment in a brick building in very good condition. It is located on the 3rd floor out of a total of 6 and has a total area of 45 m2.
The apartment consists of two rooms (19 m2 and 15m2) with independent entrances, a newly installed kitchen, and a bathroom (shower + toilet). It has double glazed windows, and central heating.
The house is located in Mecislavova Street and it has very good connection to public transport:
Train: 2 minutes by walk to the train station Praha Vrsovice.
Tram and bus: less than 5 minutes walk to tram stops Nádraží Vršovice and Náměstí Bratří Synků.
The apartment is partially furnished (double closet and double bed) but there's a possibility of fully furnishing it.
PLEASE NOTE: The monthly rent is CZK 19,500 + house expenses 600 czk per person + utilities (water, heating, and electricity according to consumption), downpayment for water and heating 2.000 per month + electricity at the name of the tennant.
If you are interested in viewing this property, do not hesitate to contact me through messages. I look forward to your interest!
V okolí nemovitosti najdete
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